- A man was minding his own business you don't know him and he has done nothing to you, but you would get away with it.
- Someone throws a a knife at you for no reason and when you catch him he says he just did it for no reason, you don't know him but he did something to you would you kill him you would get away with it.
- A man buys the last item you wanted all your life(that he does not really need), would you kill him he did not do anything and you don't know him. You would get away with it.
- You see someone who annoys you, but has never done anything to you would you kill him. You would get off scott free.
- You see someone who you have not seen since you were young, he used to try to make your life hell for no reason. You have not seen him in years but remember if, would you kill him.
- You see you rival he is better at every thing stronger, smarter, richer, more popular, etc, he has never really done anything to you personally would you kill him, once again you would get away.
- You wronged this person in some of the worst ways, they attack you but you best them in a fight. Do you kill them, you can get away with it.
- This person has made your life hell since you were both kids. As time went on he got worse, and has destroyed every thing sacred to you except a few friends and family(but he tried). He is stronger, smarter, richer, more popular, and luckier then you by miles and just tortures you for sick amusement. The worst thing he/she has done was attempt to force himself on your girl/boy friend and assaulted him/her. You have enough and fight, he/she is stronger but you pull a knife to his/her throat. he/she says they will leave you alone if you don't hurt him and leave town with his family(they depend o him and are better people but don't notice the awful things he does to you) and would not tell the cops because a neutral party saw him attack you both start the fght. Would you kill him, this time you would not get away with it.
- You meet someone exactly the opposite of with radically different views, you can kill him and get away.
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