Communism was not the USSR, China, Vietnam, Cuba, N. Korea, or any country in world history. The basic philosophies of communism are:
- The people control the means of production; no business owners
- capital is removed (no money)
- the government withers away
- no exploitation of the workers
- no social c l a s s e s, so no c l a s s struggles (rich vs. poor = no more)
- everyone works and everyone has enough "to each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs"
- A united people, completely equal to the tee.
- *arguably* disestablishment of religion
ETC (read up on the philosophy if you don't know it). Would you live in a Communist society without corruption?
- "I don't like money, it's the reason we fight."
1 business owners are people, and if the company is public there isnt a business "owner" only a chairman.
3. the same thing can be done with capitalism. not necessairly saying it would be nice or anything, but in a communist place with no government youll get just as much theft and violence.
4. you're only"exploited" if you let yourself be. you are getting paid, so i fail to see how you're getting exploited. Its an exchange. If I gave you 30 watermelons to fix my car, are you exploited? no you arent but for some reason when you bring MONEY into it its "exploitation"
5. is the biggest joke ever. im reminded of a recent debate I had on soulseek about this with some know it all socialist and i had him so cornered that he said humans had to "evolve" before anything could happen. but the argument was (in a very stripped down manner for gs) what if my need is more than we produce? whos gonna make more? what if its 3 am and all farmers and such are closed and i took so much food that there was none left? I had a party you know?
he knew the LAST thing he wanted to say is that there would be a restriction on what you could have.
6.Id rather live in an unequal society, with limitless possibilities for anyone. But I guess my opinions wouldnt matter in this setting? Since blatant majority rule would weed me out?
7. Look at that stupid beard.
Hurrah for capitalism, the only logical way.
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