In a normal life, being a jack of all trades is more helpful. I would consider myself a jack of all trades among my friends as I'm the car guy, the electronics guy, the science guy, the anime guy, the sports guy, the video game guy, the gun/hunting guy, the working guy, the lazy guy, the advice guy, the camping guy, the music guy, etc. I have my finger in so many different pies, I'm helpful in many situations. Of course, though, being a jack means I can't help with MAJOR issues in any field outside of astronomy (I know EVERYTHING about astronomy that isn't some detail among the lines of the average spped of a tachyon), but how often are you going to need to know how to pick a wrong code out of a computer BIOS or know the voice actor of some bit part in an obscure anime? Not often, if ever, unless it's somehow related to a job. I'd rather be useful in most situations to a degree than just a few.
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