@blaznwiipspman1 said:
It's easy to say you would quit and stop working, but what else would you do? Do rich people not work because they're rich? I think you can find something you enjoy doing. But yeah, I would also find it difficult to stick to a 5 day week 9 to 5 schedule if I was filthy rich. I mean I wouldn't mind it, but I'd also want to take off a couple months of vacation. The only answer to that problem I can think of is to become your own boss.
Rich people (and let's assume you mean the obscenely wealthy, i.e. millionaires and billionaires) generally keep working because they want power. They're not working because they need more money. That's why you always hear about how they pay themselves a token $1 salary a lot of the time like it some gracious gesture of solidarity with their workers lol. Smoke and mirrors.
And rich people work isn't really work in the traditional sense. Is flying in a private jet to France to meet with politicians and eat caviar while you talk work? I guess? But not really.
But overall I agree with your message, good to stay busy. As for myself, I'd probably open a small place. Probably pursue my Dungeons and Dragons-themed brewpub where I would brew beer and host DnD games. It'd be small and manageable and in a small college town somewhere. I'd have short hours probably during the evening maybe Wednesday-Saturday.
I've been doing manual labor since I was 14 years old (I'm almost 40 now), probably averaging 50-hour work weeks. I'm ready for rest, ready to take it easy. My bones hurt lol.
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