It's a flawed notion. It's romantic to think you'll find the perfect mate and live happily ever after, but the truth of the matter is that people contantly change throughout their entire lives. What's perfect for you when you're twenty isn't what will be perfect for you when you're sixty. That's why you shouldn't choose a mate solely on physical appearance, or their job, or their car. You've got to think about your relationship in the long term and be prepared for the time when your mate is going to want something different from you than what they started with.
Women, especially, seem hard-wired to evaluate a man not by what he is, but what he can become. Men, on the other hand, seem to judge mates by what they are currently and then bristle at the idea that their woman should ever become something else over time (and resent that theyshould have to change as well).
I'm not sure why men and women are wired so differently, it's just one of those things. It's why men have such a hard time with fidelity. They are instinctively wired to go out and find many mates. I'm not condoning that, of course. I think a civilized person should be governed by more than just instict. But it's interesting to think about how our society dictates behavior that seems contrary to natural, biological behaviour.
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