I was reading some article from some Chicago paper (the Chicago Sun) about Father Pfleger. Basically the writer says Cardinal George made the right decision in rebuking Father Pfleger for his remarks about Hillary Clinton and for his role in politicking. Then he makes the errors
1. He criticises Catholic Priests and Bishops who refuse to give Communion to Pro-choice politician, most of which he claims are democrats and saying that is just as political as what Fr. Pfleger is doing: Wrong, the Catholic church is not just targeting Democrats, Cardinal Egan has said that Rudy Giuliani shouldn't recieve Communion, it effects pro-choice members of every and all parties. Second, the Church shouldn't crack down on clergymen who don't give Communion to pro-choice politicians, it is the right and duty of Bishops to prevent pro-choice politicians from recieving the Eucharist- and these politicians know the Church teaching on abortion and the Eucharist, politicians who promote abortion are not supposed to recieve the Eucharist so if they decide to they are forcing the Bishop's hand. According to Catholic teaching it is sinful and blasphemous to receive the Eucharist while in a state of Mortal Sin, Abortion is a mortal sin (having or performing an abortion brings about automatic aka "latae sententiae" excommunication). Politicians who promote abortion are guilty of cooperating in evil and have innocent blood on their hands, thus for them to receive Communion would be to profane the Holy Eucharist.
2. Then he criticises the Catholic Church for speaking out against abortion more than it speaks out against racism. His point is that both racism and abortion are moral issues.: While he is right that both are moral issues, there are reasons why the Church speaks out against abortion more than racism- 1. abortion is more widely accepted by society than racism. 2. we are in an election year and some candidates support abortion, however nobody running for election supports racism.
3. He accuses the Catholic Church of "being part of the problem" when it comes to racism, because he says the Church is ignoring racism: Wrong. apparently he hasn't read The Church and Racism, or Brothers and Sisters to Us
4. Then he accuses the Church of getting people to vote for "the Cardinal's preffered party" (he insinuates that it's the Republicans): that's all well in good but how would people vote for the Cardinal's preffered party if Cardinal George doesn't have one, according to Francis Cardinal George "the Democrats have lost their soul and the Republicans never had one".
5. He then accuses the Catholic Church of being lobbyists, which according to him are "one of the lowest forms of life in existence": 1. Lobbying is protected by the Constitution the right "to petition and free assembly" 2. Many of the Catholic Church's opponents such as Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and pro-gay marriage groups are lobbyists. 3. The negative opinion of society towards lobbyists is due to the fact that many lobbyists lobby the government for favors that benefit the lobbyist or those who hire the lobbyist, in other words they are promoting their own interests. The goal of the Catholic Church's Lobbying is to advance and promote the Common Good, promote and defend human rights, and to defend the life and dignity of every human being-especially the most vulnerable (the poor, the marginalized, the unborn, the elderly, the sick, etc.).
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