Okay, I'm going start this off by saying that W.S. Anderson has no talent as a director, producer, or whatever the hell he does. All of his movies are terrible and whenever I see the name W.S Anderson I just cringe knowing that it is going to be an all out disater and waste of my time. He is Quentin Tartantino, minus the fortune, fame and talent and he needs to find a new career, maybe as a clown entertaining children at birthday parties or something similar because he definitely has no business in the film industry.
There are many examples of this, but my first is the film Aliens Vs. Predator which had a decent cast, but with a laughable dialogue and a stupid and poorly wrtiten story the film was trash, but hey it wasn't nearly as bad as the second (which Anderson had nothing to do with) and anyone who liked the second please stick your head in a microwave. "People are dying, we need guns." Is probably up in the top ten of worse lines ever in a movie.
Now lets get back on topic because at this point you should realize and somewhat agree that W.S. Anderson is lacking in many areas and again has no business in the film industy, yet Capcom gives him rights to make a film series "loosely" based off their award-winning, highly acclaimed video game franchise; Resident Evil. I am a huge Resident Evil fan, I love the games, but these terrible movies really don't have anything to do with Resident Evil except for there are zombies, creatures and an evil company named Umbrella. I tried to like to first film, but lets face it, it was bad. The second, was even worse. The third, was again bad. I haven't seen the fourth because I couldn't even bare to watch it. Recently I saw this clip on youtube of the 4th film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ROsNamLVqk and honestly it was so bad that I couldn't even finish the clip. I angerily commented on the clip and what makes it worse is that people love it and they go "Hey don't talk trash on these movies because they are awesome!" WHAT?! Did I miss something? Are people now donating brain cells in addition to blood? They must be because the Resident Film franchise is probably up there in the worst movie franchises of all time.
Anyways, bottom line they are terrible and if you disagree you must be souless or severely lacking in moral integreity or intelligent thought because they are sub-par action movies with zombies at best. We need a real director who can actually make a film adaption of the Resident Evil series and not butcher it to the point that it is an unrecognizable pile of crap where nothing makes sense. And shame on you Capcom for letting this moron butcher your baby, you should sue him for everything he is worth!
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