When I was young, the WWF was my life (do you remember when it was still called the WWF?!?!?!?!?! geez I feel old). Sitting around the tv with my family was one of the few things we did together, so I treasured those moments. We were lucky enough to go to couple shows in the Tri-State area and that was just a dream come true. To see Rowdy Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan in real life was just unbelievable. I would spend hours mimicking his poses and screaming "Whatcha gonna do BROTHA"! My obsession continued through high school and slowed down when I moved away to college. My family continued to watch every week and caught me up as much as possible. I feel I completely feel off a couple years later and that is where I am today. I watched Wrestlemania at a coworkers house last year and felt it was time to come back. I became fully committed the moment the WWE network was announced and I am hooked again. Is this happening to anyone else? I have not stopped watching the WWE Network since I signed up for the service 2 days ago. There is nothing wrong with this of course, but it's crazy how I just want to keep watching.
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