Wyoming is a myth! A government conspiracy that is used to sway the electoral votes into their candidates favor.
Wyoming, a "state" made by the highest secret organizations in the world, such as the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, the Illuminati and the Bilderberg Group just to name a few.
Yellowstone? A myth. Its actually a virtual park which is secretly owned by Montana and Idaho. While were talking about Yellowstone, here's what would happen if the public doesn't wise up to the conspiracy:
"The "state" of Wyoming allegedly has Yellowstone park in it. Yellowstone allegedly is a super volcano that could change life on Earth as we know it. Do you realize how much power you really hold when you have a life-changing force sitting under you? All you need to do is say that scientists believe that Yellowstone will erupt in a few weeks and everyone will go into a state of shock and panic. Everyone will start to try to leave the country.
While everyone's going crazy, the secret groups send in their private armies to take over the surrounding states and soon the whole US. Then they will hold the whole world in a stranglehold by pointing nukes at everyone and demand that they give in and countries that oppose will get obliterated. Soon after the whole world would be under one rule.
So don't underestimate the power the government and secret organizations have with Wyoming, cause its only the beginning..."
The conspiracy runs deeper then you think. Even airline companies are paid of to keep quiet on the matter:
"When I questioned the attendant about the strange lack of time spent over Wyoming, he gave me some nonsense about not having to fly over Wyoming when traveling from Missouri to Virginia."
Also, a respected scientist has stated that in a recent study of his proves that Wyoming is actually a province of the Dakotas.
In every state, there's at least one thing interesting about it. Wyoming? None. And I'm sure every non-US citizen knows about most of the states, but whats the one state they never seem to remember? Wyoming.
Everyone that says their from Wyoming is being paid off by the government.
Still not convinced? Read this and then say that Wyoming isn't a conspiracy:
Also, look at this page:
Its a website dedicated to answering the question "Does Wyoming Exist?".
Here's what the guy who owns the site has to say:
"Through much research over the internet I have not been able to find any hard evidence showing that Wyoming actually exists."
He's been asking for any pictures of Wyoming. What he's gotten? Two grainy pictures with no people in them that look to be taken with the first color camera ever and a truck with an "alleged" Wyoming license plate.
He's also asked for anyone living in Wyoming to take a survey. Did he get any? Nope. I wonder why...
Here's a group of fellow Wyoming truthers that have even more mind blowing evidence for you:
Look at this rare pic of the "Wyoming" border:
Look at the sky. You can clearly see it has a dome-like appearance. Have you ever seen the sky ever curve like that anywhere else? Nope.
Like no place on Earth all right...
So now you know that Wyoming doesn't really exist and anyone claiming it does is paid by the government to say so. So next time you here someone say their from or been to Wyoming, just say to them "I'm on to you." cause the government can't cover this up forever.
Spread the truth.
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