Wow. I think I know who's not getting my vote when another gay rights related thing comes up. LittleHands134
Who, the Queer Anarchists? Someone also mentioned being at a peaceful protests and how this should have been one. I think the inclusion of the word 'anarchist' into the equation eliminates any chance of organization.
Small faction groups like this are pretty few and far between in the gay community. Most people I know, in Maine which is the furthest from california that you can get, we're organizing marches and rallies. We're not tp'ing our local St. Patricks. And 99.99% of the other reactions to Prop 8 in the US are like us, not this **** in Michigan.
I fully believe that you can't use the masters tool to dismantle his house, meaning sometimes the fight has to be taken to the streets and not the courts.. but what does this do but freak out a bible study? It accomplishes nothing. Maybe that's why the mainstream hasn't picked it up, to give the participants what they want--attention. Bury them on a side bar.
Someone mentioned that christian people would be treated different if they did this. Well, let us point to Fred Phelps, of Kansas, and his "God Hates **** protesters who actually took to protesting the funerals of dead iraqi war soliders to get their anti gay message out. Thankfully, though, a counter group of motorcyclists, the Freedom Riders, are there to shield the mouners from having to see their hate. They do this alot, but you only hear about it if they're in your city.
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