So I took the advice from that thread I made about not ever having a gf. I shaved my head, Trimmed my goatee, bought a polo shirt and some nice jeans. Then (this was Sunday) I went to the YMCA to visit the place for a day to see if I wanna sign up (I didn't before but now I want to... for the basketball court alone!).
So I'm there lifting weights. I'm kinda a fat guy but I'm also blessed with being strong. So I'm doing deadlifting 315lbs and I notice a woman watching me through the mirror. I finish up my set and take out my headphones and she says "wow, you're strong". I said "it's only an illusion" kind of sarcastically and she laughed. She went back to her workout and I went back to mine.
After I changed and was phoning my brother to pick me up she asked if I wanted to grab a post workout snack. I said "why not" and we went to the coffee shop nearby and I got a turkey sandwich and a bottle of water to mix my protein shake. She got a tuna salad sandwich and a coffee. We chatted for about 45 minutes, exchanged numbers and names (I told her I usually am busy and keep in touch through facebook). So I guess that was kind of like a date. We're going to go shoot pool on the weekend. I don't drink and she doesn't drink much she tells me.
There isn't much of an age difference either. I'm 26 and she's 32.
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