Either they give you warm fuzzies of nostalgia, you crack up at the absuridty, or you just plain like them.
Coca-Cola Christmas commercials have been hit-or-miss through the years, but this one still both impresses me and makes me smile. Yes, when it comes to some Christmas things, I'm quite the sap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqAsWIg278E
Look down, back up, where are you?
Do I really need to answer that? Just make sure you smell like a man, man.
But let's face it, some of those people in the world need shout-outs at their otherwise inconsequential existences. Such as the guy who rolls out the rain tarp, those who make life heavier than it needs to be, or, well, me, with a different degree and no nose ring. :lol: & in honor of the season, what the heck is nog?
The thing about the Real Men of Genius ads, ignoring that they're for Bud Light (blech), is that they've been making new ones for over a decade now, and somehow they still manage to be funny.
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