I'm shocked at how many people take someone's allegiance to the Republicans or Democrats so lightly.
The idea that we can all agree to disagree is wrong
These people are trying to change your country in a way you don't want. Yet people actually associate with family members who vote against them, and friends? These people actually have friends that do not vote the way they do.
It's horrible how lightly this is taken.
After next Tuesday there will be people who's idea for America was squashed by others. Think about that, they saw what you want America to be and they said no. And at the end of the day you're going to associate with these people?
I wish more people would wake up and understand that people are either with you or they're against you, there is no middle ground.
It's not like all voters are in government and need to reach across party lines. You have no need to associate with people who do not see your vision for America. Your main job is to cultivate as many people as possible so your dream of America is realized.
People are going to go to family get togethers over this holiday and break bread with people who personally stopped them from helping America.
EDIT: I'm not talking about not supporting the president. I'm talking about cutting everyone out of your life who does not share the same political affiliations you do
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