It is a common misconception that atheists must be able to prove that God does not exist. Actually, the burden falls on religious persons to prove that God does exist, for the simple reason that, if you claim ANYTHING to exist, then you must be able to prove its existence.
If any religious person disagrees with this, then we establish that the burden is on people to disprove something's existence. Therefore, I claim: that there are UFOs with aliens in them; that there is a Death Star in a far-away galaxy; that Darth Vader himself came to visit me, and then left; that there is a flying spaghetti monster; that the ancient Greek gods (i.e. Zeus, Hera, etc.) exist; that the ancient Egyptian gods exist; that the Norse gods exist; that I can use 'the force' (by the way, don't say that you can just ask me to do it, and my refusal is proof--I might just not feel like it ;)); that I am a god (same logic as with 'the force'); and that I know how to build a Death Star.
Now, disprove that 8). If you can't, then it's true 8).
EDIT: This thread is over a year old and has been bumped. Moderators, please lock it.
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