You think it would make a difference if all police officers are required to have 4 year degree in criminal justice in terms of the quality they provide. We seen a lot of crook cops and as well as good cops that follows orders but violate our rights.
Please watch this video
Do you think it would prevent things like this to happen?
And also, cops are allowed to lie almost about anything and get away with it.
If you can, try and expand you're answer besides typing down "no".
I think you are missing something. This kid appears to go around looking to drive through checkpoints just to videotape himself supposedly standing up for his rights. While I do not know where exactly that checkpoint is, but there should have been a way to go a different route to avoid it.
One other thing, that was an ICE or Border Patrol agent and not a cop.
I don't entirely agree with the way those people act: filming and purposely being an a*hole. But I'm currently disputing this topic with somebody else and he thinks that by providing a 4 year degree with these ICE or Border Patrol agents, it would help minimize these conflicts of supposely taking American's rights away by asking questions, asking for search, and handling these types of people.
For me on the other hand, I believe that even though officers knew about the law, even with proper degree, they would still do what their doing because it's their SOP(Standard Operating Procedure). I just want to see what other people like gamers think about this topic.
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