what is your favorite ending. remember to use spoiler tags if your explaining why you like it but please specify what show your spoiling outside of the tag. too many peaple have it in there so it too late
for me its got to be kannon(2006) or final fantasy X
i liked kannon for an undfinable reason. i quiet honestly have no clue why i love this ending but it just left a smile on my face
and FFX becouce [spoiler] of how the mood is handled so well without haveing borderline any diolouge. the music and the expressions they make were abloe to make the scene so well. it takes talent to make something so heartbreaking without haveing any diolouge outside of of a at the most a 5 worded sentance of "yuna i have to go" not to mention just hjow well they handled the music quews make sit so much better by having one of the best tracks ive ever heard playing. [/spoiler]
and the best book ending goes to john dies at the end. and i havenet even read that yet.
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