And what I mean is, the sequel that devastated you the most, not necessarily the worst quality sequel ever.
The first real book I ever read was Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH. I was in second grade so it took about a week, but I managed to finish it. And then I saw the movie (Secret of NIMH) and loved it, even though it strayed quite far from the original story (no stone or magic shit in the book). No, I'm not a furry (ignore the username for a moment), it's just a really good movie that I still throw in and watch with the youngins.
Seriously, it's coming on Fox twice this month...if you haven't seen it give it a watch. sister drops her kids off today so she can finish some Christmas shopping and throws the Secret of NIMH 2: Timmy to the Rescue on the table.
Damn, I didn't even know there was a sequel. Well, not to the movie anyway...I have read the book's sequel: Racso and the Rats of NIMH...which was okay. I didn't feel like throwing it out the window or anything, and I'm glad I read it, but reading it once was enough.
So here I get all giddy, get everyone situated and throw the disc in.
OMG, this isn't...WTF is this shit? They didn't...what in the hell? They're SINGING?!
The art sucks, the animation sucks, the character design sucks, the acting sucks, the plot sucks, the...THIS MOVIE SUCKS.
I is sad. One of the greatest animated films of all time just got shit on. We're talking post-Mexican-food-and-tequila soft-serve power-shit while being down to two squares of TP. Seriously, who the **** thought this was a good idea?
Can I sue? Someone? Please?
Urrrhhggg... least there's the rumored reboot. Right?
Hollywood is remaking The Rats of Nimh as a CGI extravaganza.
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