so how karma explains the fact that chicks get attracted to those who treat them bad or simply d-bags.
Well, first off you're making a false correlation between fat women and attraction to d-bags, that's actually true for a lot of women regadless of weight. This can be explained in part by a few factors. One, women create their idealized mates based in part on their fatherfigures. If they had a distant or hard to please father, then they may have subconcsicous desires that lead them into abusive relationships. They could also have negative self-images from the media, and therefore think that they might not be able to do any better. Or they may be infatuated with physical appearance and under the impression that they canchange attractive d-bags, again this can be the result of environment. In all these cases, someone else's negative actions adversely affect the women in question, which you could look at as bad karma.
This last sentence is good. Karma is all around us, all the time. Every single action generates karma, that is to say that ever action, whether good or ill, creates has effects, consequences. These consequences can be good, bad or both really. And you may never even be aware of the karma you generate. Often times it can be too far reaching for you to ever be personally aware. To use an example: you buy a hit new video game. This generates money for the store where you bought it, which used that money to employ the clerk, who uses his paycheck to feed his family. That's good. This purchase also generates money for the game publisher and developer, who then employ people to create the games, who then use their paychecks to feed their families. Same effect, still good. This purchase helps convince the publisher to use the same developers to create another hit game, which causes the developers to push really hard to get this next game created, which makes them work their employees 80 hours a week, which causes an employee to miss a lot of time at home, which strains his family relations, which leads to a break down of his marriage. That's not so good. But what can you do?
Do not mistake this above example - it is not a blame the player for the guy's failed marriage. It's not a blame anything post. It's simply a small demonstration of how our actions, everyone's actions, can effect the world at large. Some actions have better consequences than others. Some actions have worse consequences than others. But all actions have consequences of some kind. The entire world, every single being and thing in it, is interconnected, and all our actions generate further actions, which ripple throughout the world and effect everyone and everything else. That's karma.
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