Let's keep this serious, if possible. List some things you think will happen in the future, I'd prefer if only people educated on possibilities would post here, not just what you think would be cool, but things that can actually happen. I'll go first...based on what I've learned in college and reading articles in my spare time.
Elimination of genetic diseases:
1. I think there's a lot of neat things over the next 10-50 years that will eliminate and reverse diseases, we've already successfully reversed and eliminated diseases with gene therapy for the last 15 years, some day with germ line therapy, we can eliminate diseases from the entire population. This conflicts with future autonomy.
Genetic Enhancement:
2. I think there's the possibilities of genetic enhancment, for 20 years they'll probably only target those who need them, but eventually they'll become available to those who can afford them, although cool, will probably increase the gap and chance the standard for what is normal.
Nanotechnology and diseases and maintaining the body:
3. I think with nanotechnology, we'll be able to do a ton of stuff - insert nano bots in the body that maintain your metabolism. This will allow for fats to be digested, a programmed wait to be maintained, health, everything, could fix up the heart or diabetes by releasing insulin, or find and destroy cancer by being programmed to target it.
Nanotechnology and cool gadgets and military:
4. Also, nanotechnology will not only lead to cool little gadgets like ipods we see now, but even bigger things - maybe nano bots will be all around light posts on streets that act as trees but are the size of a coin, yet can take in CO2 and put out O2 100x as efficient. Nanotech has already been used in suits that can make a person invisble, yes just like in crysis, they have them. A textile research lab at my college works on them. They're millions each which is why they don't give them to soldiers ... yet.
Smart Cards:
5. Technology - besidse smaller cooler stuff, touch screens, hallograms, DNA and quantum computers, and being able to travel to the moon in 30 minutes with carbon-nano tube technology (yes it's real and gonna happen), I think nanotechnology will soon take over lots of gadgets - tv's in glasses are already out, someday tv screens in contact lenses - you could live a virtual reality thru your eyes - the future of video games, or perhaps a smart card that's like a usb drive that basically has evrything on it - use it to rent a movie, pay for food, store your homework, etc.
Fusion and Fission:
6. I don't think cars will ever fly, but I'm sure a new fuel will be found - they're looking at ethanol, and battery, and combinations of the 2, as well as lithium batteries i think... maybe someday we'll figure out fusion and fision energy... that'd be nice. Space exploration will change too.
7. population - eventually the world is going to be pretty full. I think it'd be possible to create space stations, several companies have already invested millions into developing space stations (for now - tourists), maybe some day people will live on them. But what will determine who lives there? Or should we layer up from the ground?
8. Anyone seen the movie equilibrium? I think it could be possible someday, maybe in 200 years, let's say after a big WW3 or other nuclear war, where medications are required to eliminate/induce/supress/block/reverse hormones&genes that cause anger, hate, hostility, anxiety, revenge, fear, etc. But will it also eliminate happyness, love, sympathy, and other feelings?
9. As the world is getting bigger, I think 1 president to run a country, even with several hundred members of congress under him/her, is just not enough. Perhaps one day political structure will be like company... a board of directors, VP's for certains areas - yes congress is already divided like that, I guess what I'm saying is it would be not only much larger with more checks, balances, do's and don'ts, but also more people at the top, rather than 1 person with many under.
Life on the Highway:
10. I watched a video 9 years ago in a mechanical drafting ****about cars being developed that would be controlled by a central computer so that people aren't driving. The goal - to eliminate accidents. The cars would lock on to magnetic stirps in the road and to eachother, you could relax in your car and read a newspaper, as your car takes you to where you want. I think this is outdate and never happened. In 2001 it said this would be out by 2009 haha. I do think it's possible for GPS to control cars, but this would require 50 years of research and perfections and lots of trial and error. Kind of like developing stop lights a 100 yrs ago.
11. The education system will change. I believe in other countries, you are not even in school for years longer, but you also take a few years off before college to serve your country - some countries require military service, some require community service for a few years. Either way, in some countries it's more common to graduate college at a much older age. But the education will also change in terms of organization. With all of hte new information (compare a biology or chemistry ****from 50 years ago to today, or even history), eventually school will take much longer complete, such as college being 8 years instead of 4 years. Also, it's possible schools will be online someday. This would eliminate teachers, save a ton of government funding - no more buildings or ****rooms, or having to pay teachers, etc.; students can learn on their own time, no school violence or school shootings, a lot of college ****s are goign to switch to online, and a lot of adults take night ****s online so that they live in one state but attend online a college in another state.
By the 1900's we eliminated infectious diseases, discovered the car, plane, and eventually space and computers.... all in 100 years. The next 100 years are going to be pretty amazing.
Just my thoughts, looking forward to reading others, unless this thread is an epic fail. These are just some things I know about or have read about or have seen in the works. There's a lot out there I don't know about.
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