Since we are a couple weeks into 2010, I thought it might be nice to look back at 2009 and reminisce about some of the games we played. There were a lot of good ones, likely a few disappointments, and some hidden gems we discovered along the way. So, with that said:
1. What was your favorite game of 2009?
2. What do you think was the most underappreciated game?
3. What was your biggest disappointment, or least favorite game?
4. What did you discover? it doesnt have to be a 2009 release, it could be as old as you want, but just bought in 2009.
As for myself:
1. Batman: AA. I know there was a lot of hype surrounding this game, but I could not believe how good it was. I dont expect much from comic/movie based games, either, but Batman just nailed everything it did, and nailed it good and hard. The fighting was amazing, the voiceacting on par with Hollywood, and the gadgets were just so much fun to use. As I said, it was extremely hyped, and for once such a hyped game managed to suprise me beyond what people said.
Other games included: Dragon Age, Red Faction Guerilla
2. I really am getting a lot of fun out of Mini Ninjas (a cute adventure game; simple, but a lot of fun) and Anno 1404 (a really immersive city builer/trade simulation)
3. Torchlight. Dont get me wrong, its a great game but...idunno, I can only click so many times and hour lol. Despite the fact that it nailed the fundamentals of your typical dungeon crawling action rpg, it was just too shallow. But hey, cant complain, it was only 10 dollars.
4. I discovered Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War. Got this with the THQ pack, man its fun. I am playing Dark Crusade at the moment, cant wait to try out the other games. I also got the Eidos pack from Steam and played Tombraider for the first time;, havent played it enough to pass a good judgement.
OK, your turn!
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