When you say "3D Design", I'm automatically assuming you're talking about 3D modelling and texturing, so sorry if I'm wrong. Good, professional tools worth learning are, as a rule, both expensive and rather complex. Nevertheless, there's a ton of tutorials for all of them.
Currently, a lot of people use Maya and / or 3D Studio Max, which you can both find at Autodesk.com's website. As for sources from which to learn, if you prefer the methodical, step-by-step way of learning, go for books on Amazon.com. For a beginner, virtually any one of them should have a load of information, so those 20-odd bucks will be well spent. On the flip side, if you prefer learning some tricks and figuring the rest out, there are tutorial sites on the net, such as, for example, Tutorialized.com.
Do note that I'm talking here about professional tools, that are pretty much standard in the industry, and not about the myriad of more-or-less free alternatives. Many of those are good tools as well, but come nowhere near the feature list that 3D Studio Max and Maya have.
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