i recently installed some extra memory into my pc, i originally only had 2x 1 gig sticks in my machine. after adding the 2 new sticks, the system was only detected 2.5 gig. i did some research and found that it is sometimes just the OS, so first thing is to check that bios is detected the right amount.....so i did, even in bios it detects 2.5 gig
i thought it might be something to do with the new ram sticks i've purchased, so i removed the old ones, and just left the new ones in, the new ones are detected as 2 gig fine, did the same test, removed the new ones and just left the old ones in, again 2 gig. so all 4 sticks seem fine. as soon as i put in another 2 totally 4x 1 gig stick, bios just see's 2.5 gig.
i'm totally lost! not sure what to do, i've updated my bios, still not change.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
OK. If you can remember, (which I'm sure you can) what are the Exacts steps, that "YOU yourself" took when inserting you new RAM, from OPENING the side of the PC, to CHECKING THE SYSTEM PROPERTIES?
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i had 2 gig ram in my machine in the first place, so initially, took the 2 new sticks out and left the 2 original ones in, booted the pc up and checked for what bios was reading when the pc first boots up. 2 gig was the result. i removed the original sticks and put in the new ones in place, did the same test with the outcome being the same also. i put 1 extra stick in (now 3x 1 gig sticks installed), did the test and 2560mb was detected. when inserting the final 1 gig stick, the memory still stays at 2560mb.
After is inserted the final stick, did you have the power off and/or restart the PC?
the sticks were insterted while the pc was powered off, and i powered the pc one each time to do the test to see the ram detected.
Is it in the correct spot, fully clicked into place? and are the slots free of any dust?
when i did the test, i checked all four slots on the motherboard by using 2 sticks on 1 and 3 and then doing 2 and 4 using the other 2 sticks.
The only remaining thing that comes to mind is maybe you bought 1 type of RAM that your PC can use, and another not being the supported type.
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