The 4850X2 is a lot faster than the 4890 (probably around 30%; it is really not negligible at all). Do not underestimate the power of Crossfire.
Thats when it scales perfectly which is not allways the case, and crossfire much like sli is more prone to weird behavior. Also I have just heard way too many complaints from both 4850 cf and 4850x2 users.
Well, my build being the first Crossfire build I have ever done, I was surprised how little issues I have encountered with it. When I first made the machine (this is when the 4870s had just come out), the drivers were a bit unstable, but the next month's release cleared it up (I was getting random BSOD during gaming), which is pretty understandable for brand new hardware on still maturing drivers. Every once in a while I have to disable Crossfire for older games, and the only game it doesn't scale well for me is Crysis, but then again, Crysis doesn't scale well on single GPU, lol.
As for 4850 Crossfire, it seemed like there were a few months of releases that just broke it for them for no apparent reason. Strange it would only affect 4850 CF and not 4870 CF.
this is my card now my mobo blew so i thought i would start from scratch all new rig do u think that i should get a x fire board instead and get another 1 of what i got thanks for replys peeepshttp://www.novatech.co.uk/novatech/specpage.html?NOV-4870
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