It seems we're seeing a flood of 'doom and gloom' posts lately about how the PC as a platform is dying and unless you sleep with a controller under your pillow you might as well pack it up. While a lot of the related topics are interesting and relevant (piracy and the PC for example) I thought I'd write a 'lil post listing some of the reasons I feel sure that the PC will continue to exist.
1) The console war is making things look a lot worse than they really are.
Unless you've been living under a rock the last year or two, your most likely well aware that we're in the middle of the biggest 'console war' the industry have experienced. That places the PC as a platform in an odd situation since it's the one platform that's not really owned by a big company. That means that no one is going to slip developer X a large wad of cash under the table to buy exclusive titles, it means that no one is really likely to spend a large amount of cash for TV commercials or other adds, no one is going to negotiate with Gamespot, Gamestop or Walmart for better shelf space. The result is that we are currently something of the odd third (or in this case forth) man out. However once the 'console war' settles down some this is likely to change.
2) The PC is the biggest platform out there.
It might sound odd but if you think about it the PC as a platform has a far greater potential than any of the current gaming consoles simply due to VAST number of PC's out there. Bill Gates vision of a PC in every home is pretty close to reality these days, and while 95% (or whatever the number is, I have no idea) might not be used for gaming today, it does mean that the PC has an enormous potential, even if the developers / publishers only have limited success in taping that potential.
3) Unique controls and hardware.
There's a lot of game genres that just doesn't work that well on a controller. And while a lot of energy and money is being invested into finding way to make these genres work on a controller, by and large the PC is likely to be the best media for these. Strategy games of all kinds, MMO's, Anything that require typing or a mouse.
4) Exclusive titles.
Yes the different consoles have been getting some high profile exclusive titles or titles for multiple platforms but not the PC. But remember that has always been the case. The obvious Nintendo / Sega titles: Mario, Sonic and so on were never released on the PC. I dare say most of the PS2's titles never hit the PC, same for the X-Box. However the same is still true for PC games.
5) Mutli-platform and why it might not be so bad.
Creating a game today cost a lot more than it used to if you want it to be a tops shelf quality title. The requirements in terms of art, sound, physics today means that it no longer cost a tens of thousands but tens of millions to make a high end title. An obvious result of this is the it's more important than ever to reach as big a market as possible. In that regard the PC shines. The PC is always going to have enough computing power handle anything they might release on a console and in terms of hardware and software it's the platform that all the consoles is ultimately derived from in one sense or another. The PC is an idea target for multi-platform releases. Hell you won't even have to negotiate with the consoles owner for rights and percentages before you release you title. While we can't win the console war, we can't really loose it either. If one of the consoles stopped selling it would ultimately be discontinued (not that I see that happening but..) the PC won't be going anywhere. They will still develop new GPU's and CPUs. When this generation of consoles is starting to show their age and lose their shine will still be at the cutting edge of technology.
So.. all in all, just because a sense of gloom is currently sweeping the PC Gamers does not mean that there's actually anything wrong, and even if are in a slump right now (and I've yet to see any solid evidence of this) it's a temporary thing. Hey.. we use the only platform that will never be outdated and will continue to offer a viable market for games.
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