Back in 2005 I started playing Guild Wars Prophecies. I had a Warrior/Monk that I got to 20 and was having a great time but reached the point where the only things left to do were go to Fissure of Woe or ----(?can't remember) and pay money to fight...I wasn't as committed as the guild I was in so I kind of lost interest.
About a year later Factions comes out and I send my 20 War/Mo there and it just feels like it's boring and cramped. I lose interest in the game...
A little while ago I see Prophecies/Factions/Night Fall on sale on one disc so I buy it and I'm now thinking of getting back into the game.
1) Any advice for someone who hasn't really played Guild Wars for over 3 years?
2) Is Eye of the North worth it?
3) Am I Missing something or does Factions kind of stink?
4) Any guilds looking for members?
5) With the newer classes I feel kind of lost...Ritualist...Assassin...Dervish...Paragon...any build suggestions (or links to build suggestions) out there?
6) Is it worth it? I mean, is the game thriving? Still fun?
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