if you live in the US then get this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817104953 from what ive heard its a very reliable company that makes good powersupplies and it has great reviews
get a 600wat psu and your good for along time or a 1000wat and your good foreverMiles0T0Prower
why watts don't mean't everything id take a reliable 350watt powersupply over any cheap 600watt powersupply anyday the card he wants isn't really that demanding don't waste money on getting more watts when it won't matter
Yeah. Tests using a watt meter show that a liquid cooled computer with 2 8800GTX's and a C2D doesn't even break the 450 mark, so you will be fine with a GOOD 600.
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