By Charlie Demerjian: Sunday 15 April 2007, 00:35
A FEW MORE bits to add to the 8800 Ultra story. Word has it that the Ultra edition will use the same PCB as the GTX but with a modified cooler. NV is aiming at a 15-20 per cent bump in the benches.The daftest part is that production is limited to tens of units, not tens of thousands. We hear tens, closer to zero than 100. If there are any left over after the press get theirs, they will go to boutique builders and similar low-volume places. There won't be enough to supply the big boys initially, if ever.
No word about drivers. Ironically, you will probably be hard pressed to find two of these puppies anywhere, so the chronic inability to deliver working SLI won't hamper this launch much. Come on guys, it has only been five months. µ
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