wait for the 1070gtx. You would be throwing money away on a 980ti. 1070 has fast sync, 980 doesn't, and it has some other new tech thats worth it, and it uses less power... and on top of it has 8gbs of ddr3 ram (i think). In the course of its lifespan that you use it, you may save over 50 dollars in electricity depending on how much you game on it.
I think the 1070gtx should be less than 650 canadian if you wait for the non-reference models to come out. The price should be $379 US, and the canadian dollars shitting around 75-78 cents. So with our current trash dollar, the price should be about $475, plus garbage tax. In total it can't cost more than $540 dollars with tax. Unless we have some very greedy retailers trying to screw us, aka Bestbuy. May want to check out ncix first, or retailers on newegg.ca or amazon.ca.
Heres a random 1070 founders edition card at newegg.ca which is $569.00 canadian, its sold out, it's price is in the same area of what I mentioned above, so the non-founders edition cards should be at least less than this. http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500397&cm_re=1070_gtx_geforce-_-14-500-397-_-Product
ncix also, all around 600 dollar range-> http://www.ncix.com/search/?qcatid=0&q=1070+gtx
You have to wait and be patient, don't rush and waste money.
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