okay well here u go, some of what i will say varies on tastes but its generally a good guideline for what to look for in a gaming rig:
cpu: try and get a core 2 duo or anthalon 64 x2 of 2.5Ghz or better this will ensure no slow down on almost any title you can think of. certain titles (such as rainbow 6 vegas or dead space) can be very cou heavy so having better is a plus but these titles are few and far between.
memory: this one is a very touchy matter but i will do as best i can: ddr2 or ddr3 is your focus for the type of memory try and get the most affordable but functional memory you can such as ddr2-800 or ddr2 1066.this ensures longevity and good quality 1.5GB or better is the amount ur going to want.
motherboard : you want a motherboard that support what you plan on putting on it while still being able to fit in the case you want. buying the parts for a pc and discovering your motherboard is to big/small sucks and essentially halts ur plans on building. if its a storebought pc ensure it can handle better cpu's and has ample room for expansion.
gpu: the heart of the matter depending on what quality on gaming you want to do this can be both the most important part but the greatest hurdle. try to go for something that suits your needs without paying alot. for example an hd 4670 will run alot of games very well and is easily the best mid ranged card out there but an hd 4650 is only a mild step down and cheaper at the same time.
power supply : your going to want 500watts or more and and with fairly long cables some have short cables and wont go everywhere they need to.
case: try and get a case that is both stylish and manageable having the most dope looking pc is great but if it cant deal with heat at all your looking at bad preforamce and even damage from otherwise good parts.
hard drive: really having 100+ Gigabytes is your water mark for necissary anything less will mean limited room for games or expansion and any more is a plus.
DVD-rom: a necessity for a gaming pc try and make sure it has the same cabling as your hard drive to ensure easy installation.
monitor: varies alot here based on what you find comfortable to see on and your budget.
mouse: look for somehting ergenomic and with good vlaue to it in the market of mice customer reviews have a big impact
keyboard : whatever suits you but ergonomic here is also wise because tendonitus sucks.
sound card : an optional piece really if its in the budget for the build or comes with your bought pc great if not your no worse for wear.
headphone : you get what you pay for the more you pay the better the quailty but id classify any over $10 as workable.
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