I was thinking of getting SWTOR since it's on sale for 34.95..But Tera is coming out in a couple of days..I never got into the beta....so I no nothing about it..any suggestions ?
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[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]my suggestion is ignore them both and buy godly wars 2.Elann2008Absolutely this. yep yep. if you're not interested in WoW wait for guild wars 2. it's perfect for anyone getting into the MMO genre and the beta completely sold me on the game.
It all depends on what you want in an MMO. Do you prefer PvP, PvE, Crafting, Socializing, Grinding, Solo or group play?
What MMO's have you enjoyed in the past?
Every MMO has it's strengths and weaknesses so you'll have to give some more information if you want an answers suited for what you like and not what I like.
gw2 is the msot well rounded offering. i see no reason not to pre-order and wait on that. in the mean time try a few f2p games. tribes ascend, lotro and sto should be a nice healthy pile of content to keep you busy till then. oh tf2 as well.
Totally agree other than one thing. Diablo 3 will be out soon, that will keep me busy until GW2.
I used to play WOW for about a year but got burned out...ttomm1946then GW2 really is your choice. chances are you'll get quickly burned out of TOR if you're tired of the WoW formula, and TERA's trinity + 20 something skills to manage doesn't seem much different.
here's me, with zero experience on the game except for the tutorial mission, and what i did when i first got out in the world. that's to give you an idea on the gameplay, since i failed to record any other moments where i was actually fighting.Some great feedback..:D
I used to play WOW for about a year but got burned out...ttomm1946
Then dont get SWTOR, it is very similar to WoW, from gameplay to skill design. TERA might be the game of those 2.
Otherwise you can give the F2P market a shot, with Champions Online or Star Trek Online or if not that, games similar to mmos such as Guild Wars 1 or League of Legends. Diablo 3 is coming up soon, and that game can swallow most of your time.
what's so good about gw2? i've watched a few videos and i really have no clue what people see in this. different characters use very similar skills, everyone has heal skills and, it seems, some sort of stealth skill, every class can melee and shoot so it seems like there is absolutely no class differentiation and everything is some sort of weird hybrid, pvp lasts for hours even when it's 1v1 or even 2v1, seriously it takes SO LONG to kill someone, even longer than wow cataclysm.
looks like a pretty boring game, i dunno, maybe i'm missing something
as far as i know, thieves are the only ones who can stealth (both themselves and others), with the exception of a single mesmer weapon skill. it sounds to me you just watched a bunch of people playing the same cIass. using the same weapons in this game =/= doing the same things. hell, the mesmer uses the greatsword to fire lasers. and PvPing, if done right, is pretty fast. longest it took me to down someone was around 15 seconds (because it was basically 2 on 1, with a ranger taking pot shots at me every now and then)what's so good about gw2? i've watched a few videos and i really have no clue what people see in this. different characters use very similar skills, everyone has heal skills and, it seems, some sort of stealth skill, every class can melee and shoot so it seems like there is absolutely no class differentiation and everything is some sort of weird hybrid, pvp lasts for hours even when it's 1v1 or even 2v1, seriously it takes SO LONG to kill someone, even longer than wow cataclysm.
looks like a pretty boring game, i dunno, maybe i'm missing something
[QUOTE="shakmaster13"]Just get WoW. Every other MMO will pale in comparison before you burn out after 4k+ hours.BrunoBRS
I used to play WOW for about a year but got burned out...ttomm1946*ahem*
My bad.
Might I suggest EVE online?
my friend played starwars... and liked it but said it was abit light on players, amybe its because the world is so big idk. He has returned to rift for a while, which is a good game ( as i found the world in wow to be kina static ). altho rift has now become a faceroll due to trion listening to the Q_Q'ers..
Im waiting for gw2 (mainly beacuse i like gw) and the fact that it has no monthly fees.
Altho GW1 isnt a mmo it is online and there are many players you can quest with (try it freehttp://guildwars.com/freetrial/)
I'm going to wait for GW2 then..ttomm1946if you buy it now, you can have access to the beta weekend events. BTW GW1 is an awful way to see if you'll like GW2. i love GW1, but it's the polar opposite of GW2 in terms of gameplay and online structure :P only similarities are setting, quality, and challenge.
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