I was wondering, as the title implies, what other mature (i.e., 21+) gamers think about the new mists of pandaria and whether or not they will be going back to play it. I've played Wow since launch and every expansion has had me wanting to come back for more. However, this most recent expansion coming up doesn't seem to interest me the slightest bit. I mean, perhaps I'm missing the info on all the "new" great features to come, but what is it about this expansion that would even make players WANT to come back. In the burning crusade it was flying mounts, in the WotLK there was destructible environments and Death Knights, a brand new type of class - a "hero", then in Cata, there was an all new reshaped environment. But with MoP I don't see what would make players want to come back and do the same old thing with the only main addition being a Monk/Pandaren race. To me, that is not enough to make me want to spend endless hours grinding. Could someone please shed some light on this for me?
Thanks in advanced
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