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Left 4 Dead and Killing Floor will be suggested 20 more times.
Yup, I have never played Killing Floor but I love Left for Dead.
none of them will be scary because u're co-oping with friends. The only way to get a scare out of a video game is a single player experience like FEAR, Resident Evil series, Prenumbra or whatever its called, Stalker (to an extent), etc.
Me and my friend are looking for a scary fps which we can play co-op on, Any suggestions? *no super old games *HAS to be scary *Can play on a low-end PC (GFX= Intel GMA 950) *That works on Vista Any suggestions?Tiddlez
Left 4 Dead and Killing Floor will be suggested 20 more times.
1st: L4D can't run on integrated graphics, neither will Killing Floor.
2nd: Only "super old games" can run on integrated graphics.
3rd: My suggestions
If these run
-System Shock 2: Co-op patch
-Natural Selection (Half-Life 1 mod): Online multiplayer, but you could work in groups and the best AI to scare the **** out of you is a human.
-AvP1: Maybe you'll find a server. It'd still be scary as heck if you wanted to have one person be the marine and the other be the alien.
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