about gaming mice-- please help me to finish the investigation!

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#1 JSDempsey
Member since 2006 • 1803 Posts

1. Male

2. yes, Logitech.

3. Performance

4. Silver/Black

5. Medium

6. IDK sorry

7. Yes

8. $70

9. Every year or so

10. The internet.

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#2 oscar530
Member since 2005 • 4430 Posts

1.) Male

2.) Razer Deathadder

3.) Quality

4.) No preference as long as it isn't ugly then its fine

5.) Medium

6.) Nothing, my Razer Deathadder is perfect. Right ammount of extra keys for what I need.

7.) Never, I will never take the chance of my mouse losing connection in the middle of a firefight


9.) Not often, whenever my Deathadder breaks I will buy a new one

10.) Dosn't matter to me, as long as the internet store is one I can trust.

Note: May I ask what company you are representing?

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#3 corrupted12
Member since 2007 • 104 Posts

1. male

2. No

3. Price

4. Silver/Black

5. Medium

6. Hand warmer/Cooler/Comforter (lol, not serious but it was the first thing that came to mind)

7. Yes if you can guarantee that it will be as responsive as a wired one.

8. $20-$30

9. Everytime my mouse breaks or whenever I get a new computer.

10. Both, if possible.

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#4 Marfoo
Member since 2004 • 6006 Posts

1. Male

2. Yes, Razer

3. I like it balanced, I usually look to the reviews for insight.

4. Black usually, but if it's two tone, it's nice to have choices, blue is nice though.

5. As long as it doesn't feel akward, medium, if that's the standard.

6. As long as it has sensitivity and couple extra buttons, I'm fine with it.

7. I'm fine with a wired setup.

8. 20-50USD is what I would want to pay, but usually the better stuff is 50+USD.

9. Usually only with a new PC build, so every 2 years or so.

10. If I can try it out at the store than it's a plus.

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#5 Xanthegreat
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

Q1, Male,I play lots of FPSs and a few RTSs

Q2, I am using a microsoft 5 button mouse (intellimouse)

Q3, the general feel, but more importantly the price.

Q4, Black (like my soul!:p)

Q5, Medium:)

Q6, Easy to access and bind mouse buttons.

Q7, No, I hate them :)

Q8, Up to 50 USD probably.

Q9, As often as I spill drink on the other one and it breaks:D

Q10, Store, so I actually know what it is like:)

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#6 Daytona_178
Member since 2005 • 14962 Posts
Q1, Male, Team Fortress 2

Q2, No, i use a cheap mouse

Q3, Price because a better mouse doesent make you a better gamer.

Q4, Black

Q5, Medium

Q6, ???

Q7, No, wires FTW!

Q8, $40

Q9, Every 2 years or so

Q10, Internets

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#7 Lehman
Member since 2005 • 2512 Posts

Q1, Are you a male or female? What game do you play recently?
Male, FPS game, CSS, CoD4, Crysis, Team Fortress,

Q2, Are you currently using a gaming mouse? If yes, what is its brand?
Yes, Razer DeathAdder, got it a few days ago, but still hevent used in game caus emy 4870 isnt here yet, but the feel of the mouse is really nice, like that rubber kinda feeling and the mouse is nice and round

Q3, What will you care most: ergonomics design, performance, feature & function, quality, aspect, price, brand, etc?
HAS to feel like a MX518 or Deathadder (i HATE my Sidewinder it feels really crap, Brand, Quality, Performance, Feature & Function,

Q4, What is your favorite color for the gaming mouse?
Blue, cause i have blue lights right now, but i can change em in teh desktop, so the mouse should be able to change colours aswel

Q5, Which do you prefer: the large, medium, or mini mouse?
medium - large, something in between, but its a DeathAdder Large?? if it is, i lke large

Q6, If you can add more functions to a gaming mouse, what will you add? (For example shortcut key , MSN message hint, etc)
the ONLY thing i dont like bout the DeathAdder is that it doesnt have 2 seperate keys for DPI switching, but i only use 900 anyway xD, but still i would be nice having maybe another two buttons on the other side so i can have a couple more buttons to prgram, but i only use the side buttons for knife in CoD4, thats it

Q7, Will you choose wireless mouse?
maybe, depends if it performs as good as a wired

Q8, How much are you willing to pay for a gaming mouse, 10-20(USD) , 20-50, 50-100, over 100USD
also depends on features, if it has ALL the things i want, over 100, most of the features i want, 50-100

Q9, How often do you buy a new mouse?
i only got a Razer DeathAdder cause i changed my keyboard from a G15 to a Lycosa and a Razer mousepad, so i wanted ALL Razer, so i got a Razer mouse, thinking of getting the Razer Maco speakers aswell, so i only buy if i want to have everthing mathcing, or when the one i have is out of date or broken

Q10, Where do you prefer to buy a gaming mouse, on the internet or a real store?
REAL STORE, i want to hav a feel for the mouse before i buy it, $100 is alot for a mouse

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#8 swehunt
Member since 2008 • 3637 Posts

Q1, Are you a male or female? What game do you play recently? MALE, All kinds of games, most FPS tho..

Q2, Are you currently using a gaming mouse? If yes, what is its brand? YES, X7

Q3, What will you care most: ergonomics design, performance, feature & function, quality, aspect, price, brand, etc? EROGONOMICS OFC. you sit all day with it in your hand, performance come's in second.

Q4, What is your favorite color for the gaming mouse? DON'T MATTER, but ''less is more''.

Q5, Which do you prefer: the large, medium, or mini mouse? LARGE HANDS = LAGE MOUSE. :roll:

Q6, If you can add more functions to a gaming mouse, what will you add? (For example shortcut key , MSN message hint, etc) PRICERUNNER shortcut.

Q7, Will you choose wireless mouse? Have just tryed very old ones, they have input lag. but if one meet my demands. YES.

Q8, How much are you willing to pay for a gaming mouse, 10-20(USD) , 20-50, 50-100, over 100USD PRICELESS, or it don't matter, it's all about the ''feel''. And if it's a $15 mouse and feel's great, perform great i'd take that before a highend brand, And if the $70 is much better i'd buy that.

Q9, How often do you buy a new mouse? When my old is worn out.

Q10, Where do you prefer to buy a gaming mouse, on the internet or a real store? As the most important is the feel i always go to a store.

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#9 kodex1717
Member since 2005 • 5925 Posts

1. Male; TF2.

Mostly shooters, but a do play a few RTS games.

2. Yes, Razer DeathAdder.

I've had it for a few months, and it's really comfortable. My old mouse was a Diamondback and not only did it not fit my hand well, but I found it impossible to use the buttons that were on the far side of the mouse (my pinky). I much prefer only having the two large buttons for my thumb, as they're easier to find and press. Also, I find that ambidextrous mice really bug me, and that I prefer a right-handed mouse.

3. Ergonomics and Performance.

As mentioned above, I can't stand the feeling of a mouse that isn't tailored to my hand, so that comes first. Next is performance, which doesn't seem to vary much between most gaming mice.

4. Black & Blue.

5. Large.

I have large hands, so I don't like smaller mice, such as the Diamondback. I've found that the large DeathAdder is perfect for me.

6. Thumb buttons.

Just two large thumb buttons on my mouse is fine for me, as I can't use the ones on the other side of the mouse anyway.

7. No, don't want to deal with lag or interference issues.

8. $20 - $50

9. Whenever my old one breaks, or when I need one for another computer.

10. No preference.

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#10 bossyj1234
Member since 2003 • 1099 Posts

Q1, Are you a male or female? What game do you play recently?

Mostly RTS, though the occasional FPS.

Q2, Are you currently using a gaming mouse? If yes, what is its brand?

Yes, a Logitech G5.

Q3, What will you care most: ergonomics design, performance, feature & function, quality, aspect, price, brand, etc?


Q4, What is your favorite color for the gaming mouse?


Q5, Which do you prefer: the large, medium, or mini mouse?


Q6, If you can add more functions to a gaming mouse, what will you add? (For example shortcut key , MSN message hint, etc)

As long as it has on-the-fly variable dpi settings, it's good enough for me

Q7, Will you choose wireless mouse?


Q8, How much are you willing to pay for a gaming mouse, 10-20(USD) , 20-50, 50-100, over 100USD


Q9, How often do you buy a new mouse?

Every year or so.

Q10, Where do you prefer to buy a gaming mouse, on the internet or a real store?

Either; it doesn't really matter for me, so long as I know what I'm buying I'm perfectly fine purchasing off the internet.

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#11 markop2003
Member since 2005 • 29917 Posts

1. male

2. yes, razer

3. performance, ergonomics (not logitech ones mouse shaped ones like razer mice cause i put the base of my palm on the table and hate having my thumb in the mouse) and appearance (no graphics just plain)

4. black (matches stuff), LEDs are nice too if they match your rig

5. large, (i think that's what a copperhead classes as)

6. a specialised mouse mat that comes with it would be a nice addition and the ability to choose the DPIs to switch between on the fly, has to keep the sensitivity over 2000dpi and 1000hz reaction time though

7. not for gaming, i'ld only get one for multimedia use for a HTPC and i'ld get a reletivly cheap one for that

8. $100 is my limit pretty much but when i get a job i don't think i'ld mind going a bit over that for a top grade mouse

9. when i need a new one, about every two years i guess, if you need a new one every 6 months then you''ve obviously been buying wrong

10. internet, high street stores are overpriced and sell terrible mice, i went into gamestation and they had a standard micrsoft optical mouse labled as a great gaming mouse

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#13 Elann2008
Member since 2007 • 33028 Posts

Q1, Male. Crysis, Warcraft III, STALKER.

Q2, Yes I am. It's a Razer. Razer all the way! Woo hoo.

Q3. I care about all of those, especially performance and quality. It has to be durable yet very responsive. Pretty LED lights are always a huge plus. Some gaming mouses cost a pretty penny.

Q4, My favorite color would have to be Red to Hot Pink or Green!

Q5, Not a mini mouse, no way. Medium to Large. What matters most is the comfortability. Whether it be a large or medium mouse, it should have a great comfort grip. I prefer a large gaming mouse.

Q6, Honestly, I could care less for extra functions on the mouse. As long as I have the scroll wheel, left and right mouse buttons, I'll be more than satisfied.

Q7, I dont like wireless mouse. For gaming, wired mouse all the way.

Q8, I am willing to pay up to $50 max. Anything more is just too much. Okay, $60 would be the max if it's the most amazing gaming mouse out there with pretty LED lights. ;)

Q9, I've been using my mouse for quite some time now. I think it has been 4-5 years and it's still going strong. Woot, Razer!

Q10. I buy all PC hardware online. Retail stores overprice consumer products especially PC hardware. Online all the way.