I almost considered making a thread about this game before, and the title would have been pretty much the same.
I think this game is really unique. Everything about it seems fresh to me in some way. The stealth is a heap of fun when fighting against humans. Nothing is more satisfying than sneaking around, blowing out lamps, then nailing a few guys with some throwing knives in the chest before they have time to blink.
The atmosphere is unbelievably tense. I've jumped out of my seat a few times from non-scripted moments. I think the devs managed to capture what makes a horror/survival game great, and that's suspense and helplessness.
There are a few obvious issues. I actually really enjoy the shooting mechanics and gunplay. The guns feel adequately powerful; you just need to know where to place your bullets. AI can be troublesome, but isn't too bad.
There have been a few occasions where linearity have distressed me, but for the most part I've been happy to go along for the ride.
It would be cool if the devs from F3 and Stalker and Metro all got together and made a definitive post-apocalyptic game, combining elements from all of them. I know with a few tweaks, Metro Could be something really amazing.
Imagine an online world of rail networks where different stations like Polis acted as lobbies and meeting places for players. You could do your buying and selling here, and there could even be an in game economy that operated on a real time supply and demand scheme. You could form parties with other players and head to the surface to do whatever - hunt monsters, go looting, raid other stations.
Me wants!
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