Well I finally have them in my house. Any one remember my thread last month? Well they didn't come until this morning. I called them so many times I know all their staff, infact I know their number by heart and know everyone's voices etc... They even recognise me, I no longer need to introduce myself to them.
Anyways, got these babies from the UK. You have NO IDEA how much money I saved thanks them be delaying.
20% VAT, £60 shipping, £50 custom clearance, 25% import tax £214 for the headphones (49% reduced price).
That's what I was supposed to pay but ended up paying no VAT, custom clearance was cleared for me, they paid for the import tax and gave me free shipping. And the headphones? I paid €160. Not '£' but '€'. Thats sigificantly less!
Basically got these for next to nothing.
Oh did I forget to mention I got staff discount on all future purchases at their store ? 8)
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