I downloaded the free trial from FilePlanet. I was very sceptical due to all I read about the launch and how bad the game was. Well, I have been reading a lot of positive reviews about the new state of the game, and hearing of more changes and improvements coming soon. So, I decided since there is a trial, I will try it out.
Amazing, that's what I have to say about it. It looks better, runs smoother, and out performes Warhammer. I have not got to the PVP portion of the game yet, but the PVE is outstanding. You can solo most of it, but if you will group up you can do the same content on a harder setting and get better rewards. Yes, it is an instanced game, but for 2 reasons. 1, the graphics are great, best in an MMORPG. 2, you can choose between easy and hard for your zones, which are huge. Now once you choose your difficulty, all other players on that difficulty are in the same place you are. The only time you are in your own instance is the night game. At the inn you can choose night game, which takes you to an instance that is...wait for it...based at night. You then do night quests solo, because night time is progression quests that are meant to be solo content. You then can go back to day time for multiplayer and harder challenges.
There is much more I coult type about, like the awesome combat, doesn't feal like an average mmo, you have to fight and do combos. The community is unbeleivable, mostly adults, helpful, mature, fun.
If you want to know more, check the AOC forums here, the AOC website, or I found a lot of information at www.mmorpg.com (please don't lock the thread for that, it is serious good forum for it). Or better yet, head over to www.fileplanet.com and download the trial, and you get some awesome free in game items. Oh, and the game only costs $20.00, then 14.99 a month. A good deal even if you only play for 1 month. How many $50 games have you only played for a couple weeks?
Come play AOC!!!!!
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