So has anyone purchased this game yet? Is it any good? What kinda game is it? Thanks! Also feel free to discuss anything alice related here!
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So has anyone purchased this game yet? Is it any good? What kinda game is it? Thanks! Also feel free to discuss anything alice related here!
You could type that title in the search bar at the top of the page and find out, GS did a video review afterall x.x
It scored a 7, it's sorta a beat 'em up, platformer, and has puzzles, lots of them I hear.
It seems to be a repeat of the original. Extraorinary visually, but lacking in gameplay. I think they were betting everyone is too young to remember the original, so they just basically remade it with modern graphics.
The two games are absolutely nothing a like, they only share themes and mood (sometimes). The gameplay, mechanics, story presentation, visuals are a world apart. They do share similar faults, but those faults in an entirely different context.
Important thing that I think everyone should know about Alice.
~:/Users/~~~~~/Documents/My Games/Alice Madness Returns/AliceGame/Config/AliceEngine.ini
Search for MaxSmoothedFrameRate=31
Change it to 61, or 1fps above your refresh rate.
Dunno why they locked it to 30 on the pc version x.x
Important thing that I think everyone should know about Alice.
~:/Users/~~~~~/Documents/My Games/Alice Madness Returns/AliceGame/ConfigAliceEngine.ini
Search for MaxSmoothedFrameRate=31
Change it to 61, or 1fps above your refresh rate.
Dunno why they locked it to 30 on the pc version x.x
Ooooh, that's why it was so badly "optimized"! Hate the FPS caps, even Bulletstorm had them, haven't seen it in other games but probably there are (Bioshock 2 multiplayer, prime example).
Important thing that I think everyone should know about Alice.
~:/Users/~~~~~/Documents/My Games/Alice Madness Returns/AliceGame/Config/AliceEngine.ini
Search for MaxSmoothedFrameRate=31
Change it to 61, or 1fps above your refresh rate.
Dunno why they locked it to 30 on the pc version x.x
Thanks jolly old chap, iv been playing for a few hours and I thaught the game looked a bit sluggish, its smooth as a peach now.
the basics are the same as the original: action adventure + platforming, and amazing visual; for me perosnally, these two Alice games have the best art direction of all games.
visually and story-wise, Madness Returns is even darker than the first game; I think it's overall a better game, but not as awe inspiring merely because it's the second time around.
I do agree the game has some style. Everything looks great, but I find the platforming to be a bit stale, just not very creative. Platforming is my favorite part of any game that dabbles in the genre, but it just feels like you jump, you float to the exit, and you go to the next room. Kill some enemies, jump some more. Obviously platforming is about jumping to platforms, but the actual level design (while it looks fantastic) just feels a little lazy to me.
Having a good time playing it..Its got game-play makes the game fun..The peper spray is fun to use..The dagger is a trip and easy..Graphcally you cant go wrong with the game..Story wise its been interesting..Its a mad mad world she lives in lol.
I'm having an absolute blast with it! The atmosphere is top notch (the sound and music have actually creeped me out at times when I have headphones on) and my god the game is just gorgeous! Where it lacks in textures it completely makes up for it in artisitc style, this game really showcases just how versatile UE3 really is. Also I'm finding the story to be really dark and enjoyable.
Where it lacks in textures it completely makes up for it in artisitc style, this game really showcases just how versatile UE3 really is.
UE3 is certainly full of possibilities, as we can already see from Batman:AA and Bulltetstorm. however, I think the credit should mostly go to Alice's art direction team.
very much like what they accomplished with Quake 3 (id Tech 3) in the first game. Alice artists simply take quake 3 and UE3 into a whole new level of imagination, beyond any other developing teams.
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