There is definitely skill in World of Warcraft. The instincts, the decisions... I mean there just is. Thats why you only see bots running in circles farming. If it took nothing to play the whole game, surely there would have been bots that would do quests, pvp and all the other things. "No skill in WoW"... just wow. Go ahead and give me your definition of skill [in wow].
As for the boss arguement. You misunderstood, when I refered to just boss, I meant there is a single target, so there less to do other than trash mobs where you might use banish, or whatever else in terms of spells. I agree with you though, classes usually spam couple of specific spells and thats it (Disregard my comment about you in my first response). But its the same for other genres, like RTS, when your playing with a race, people come up with fantanstic ideas, but ultimately there are only 1 or 2 playstyles you perform because they are the most efficient.
So you skip most of my post only to point out the one silly thing I typed, the boss comment. More than half your post is about that... Ok.
Your armory link brings me back to the question -- you sure you only spent a little time on WoW?
Your last sentence. Ummm... what IS that? Yea grind is the one of the main things that define MMO. I agree with you there. But heres the problem though - You said people do quests which they find boring, you got your title through grinding and you didnt have fun.... Then its pretty simple and obvious, get a different game? I found quests refreshing and provided some backstory and made things interesting. If its just a mindless killing for you throughout the whole game, then again, get a different game.
Another thing that defines MMORPG is - SURPRISE - Massive Multiplayer Online. You can have so much fun with people when you play together. THATS where the fun is, and THATS why many people MMO's. And thats why Im sure a lot more people will stay than you think after companies remove "mathematical power".
You are wrong. There is no such thing as "skill" in World of Warcraft. I'm a Gladiator - my rating went up to 2450 - I think I know more about it than you do (no offense). The primary thing that sets the players apart, besides gear, is the amount of experience they have. Experience tells me when I should use Death Coil - but it doesn't take any skill to do it.
A bot could very easily be far more capable than a person in clearing the most difficult of raid dungeons. The problem is that bots in MMORPGs are reactive instead of proactive.
I spent far more less time playing World of Warcraft than the vast majority of players who were in end-game raiding guilds. I chose PvP over PvE because it is far less time consuming. Although I was in my share of end-game raiding guilds, I despised being in such guilds because they were far more concerned about progression than having fun. There is nothing entertaining about constantly wiping on a new boss. When the players end up yelling to each other and causing a horrendous amount of drama, you know that they have crossed the line.
If World of Warcraft was not primarily based around grind, then the majority of players wouldn't be grinding. It's as simple as that.
In order to obtain PvP gear, for example, the players are required to constantly grind in Battlegrounds. In order to obtain PvE gear, for example, the players are required to constantly run through dungeons, spending time clearing pull after pull of useless trash mobs in order to fight the ocassional boss.
If you played the game long enough, you would be surprised as to just how many players are willing to whine and complain over the casuality that is World of Warcraft. Ever since Arena was released, and players started getting excellent gear through the ocassional 10 games per week for points, there was an endless amount of players saying, "I have to actually work for my gear. They should be working for their gear too."
Logic alone should be able to answer the majority of your questions. The vast majority of the players will participate in whatever will grant them progression, even if it includes doing boring tasks. When the developers released Daily Quests, for example, why was it that so many players flocked to accomplish them? Why do the players repeat the same 20 quests over, and over, and over again every single day? Because they find it fun and entertaining? Do you honestly believe that players would continue to complete the Daily Quests simply for the fun factor if they were no longer rewarded with any gold for doing so?
Sure, it's easy to go around pointing fingers and telling the people who grind without enjoying it to go get another game, but if that were to ever happen, then MMORPGs would become extinct.
The simple fact that you honestly believe MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft would be successful if they no longer revolved around mathematical power is laughable. I would love to see that come into effect, watching World of Warcraft spiral down into an endless pit of nothingness. Let's take all the quests in the game and have them no longer reward the players with anything - let's take all the raid bosses and have them drop no loot - let's take all the PvP and have it no longer reward Arena and Honor points - let's have everyone's character be the same level with the exact same immovable stats - then let's see World of Warcraft completely and undeniably demolish in an irreversable manner.
"Well, it doesn't revolve around mathematical power anymore, but we can just play it for fun, right? Don't you guys want to try killing that boss that we keep wiping on for fun? Don't you guys wanna do these Daily Quests for fun? Don't you guys want to clear all of these trash mobs for fun? Oh come on - don't you want to spend hours farming just for fun?"
The only thing that I found truly "fun" in World of Warcraft was raiding enemy cities. The problem is that barely any players ever do it. It is extremely difficult to get competent players who are willing to raid an enemy city. It's really fun to do it - but barely anyone does. I mean, it's really fun, so why don't people do it? I mean - if people play games for fun - and raiding cities is fun - why does it rarely occur? Surely it's not because it doesn't have a positive influence on progression?
Yeah, that's pretty much the epitome of bull!@#$.
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