my friend josh is a big wow fan and we always argue alliance or horde!!!!!!! lol
i say da horde.
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I tend to prefer the Horde. I've played both on various servers. On PvP servers, I haven't noticed as much difference between the two as on PvE servers, which are usually about 2/3 Alliance. Alliance usually has the advantage of having a lot more of a selection on the AH, and it's also generally quite a bit easier to get a group together if you need one. There are some days I'd love to have access to the Alliance AH again. Especially when I need a simple item for a quest that could be found at any time of day on the Alliance side, and usually in decent quantities.
On the other hand, I've found the Horde population to be more mature overall. There's a lot of annoying kiddie types on the Horde, especially after TBC was released and droves of BEs started showing up. There are a few rude players who demand free services, or spam group invites, but I haven't encountered this nearly as often since switching to the Horde. I also haven't found many clingy types. Most folks I've grouped with ask politely, send an invite, and we get whatever we were wanting to do completed. We usually go our own way after that, unless there's something else one of us might need help on. It was far more common to find people who had to group, or who had to have your help any time you were logged on when I was playing my Alliance characters. I have found people like that on the Horde, but it's far more rare.
It's also nice to win at PvP more often. :p
Anyway, this is probably more a result of the smaller population on the Horde than anything else. When the server population is closer to 50/50, you tend to get more asshats on the Horde like you do on the Alliance.
The Horde is easier to respect.
The Alliance naturally attracts players of a certain mindset, being that the Horde is generally less visually attractive and is therefore inferior. Inevitably, the cockier and more aggressive players tend to play on the Alliance and also initiate more of the battles as a means of expressing their vision of superiority. It's almost like manifest destiny in a fantasy setting. Everyone wants to be the hero, and heroes are not typically portrayed as beasts, monsters or undead creatures. This might explain the higher population of Alliance.
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