I doubt it and if they do have it will be too much trouble. You should have gotten a Creative Vision or something then you can simply drop files on the player like a hard drive plus you get a lot more features.
Managing your iPod without iTunes. Google search time: 0.13 seconds. I was just given an iPod Shuffle. I wasn't looking forward to installing iTunes on my computer, because of all of the unnecessary extra processes that come with it. But a coworker informed me that Winamp can do the job, and I confirmed that last night. I'm not sure if it will handle "real" iPods, though.
I myself have a creative version M but shes more of a girly girl and HAD to have an ipod, but yeah thanks ill try using winamp. i just have to wait till jan 1 to get it
Winamp and Mediamonkey come to mind. I strongly reccomend mediamonkey, I think the most recent version supports ipods from the get-go with no plugins needed.
I used to mess around with realplayer, and it had a library manager with what seemed to be ipod support. I think realplayer is worse than itunes though = /
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