I never played it but it seemed really fun. I watched all the gameplay and trailers of it. Its cool that you can create your own map. The graphics also looked nice. So i would think its a good game for some one who hasn't played it.
I really liked it at first... but it just got really boring... it was always the same... Drive to town > Get Mission > Drive for 20 minutes to mission area > Shoot a few guys > Drive 20 minutes back to town and repeat...
Plus the devs lied about the gameplay... they talked of stealth and playing missions "smart"... well all I used was stealth... my first weapon purchase was the silenced pistol... and my second purchase was the stealth suit... but still, sitting 40 feet away in the woods, in a stealth suit, with a silenced weapon doesn't help... I shoot one guy and suddenly everyone knows right where I am...
That and the weapon degradation... I know weapons break down and stop working... but they don't do it after 2 freakin magazines worth of ammo... those two things coupled with the horrible voice acting just ate away at my fondness of the game and eventually I just stopped playing it without ever finishing...
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