the previous posts apparently were fabrications. but truth be told they arent far off.
in clocks the hd 6770 and 6750 were spot on int he older sldies int hat they match a 5850 and 5870
but they sit jsut below the two
the 6750 while ahving the same clocks as the 5850 has fewer shaders and fewer texture units than the 5850
that being said it will still easily outpace the 5830 and rightfully take the gtx460 768mb to school for gpu's 101 :P
the 6770 again wont be AS good as the 5870 as it have fewer shaders, but ahs a higher core clock speed and the same essentially the same stats as a 5870 everywhere else.
and as expected the 6750 OWNS the 5850's power consumption by a good 37 watts at maximum, the 6770 further makes this point clear by using 42 watts less running at full tilt.
id expect the hd 6750 to match the asus gtx 465 with it unlocked using the asus unlocking tool. while the 6770 will easily match wits with the ACTUAL gtx 470 :P
in short.. gtx 460 is about to get dusted.. HARD
(fudzilla, kitguru, hartware, hardocp, expreview, all report the same thing feel free to look em up for additional details)
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