it is often said that if you want to make an impression you need to drag someone out of their bed and remind them of who you are. amd has certainly called intel out over the z-01 llano netbook apu.
the unclocked realitvely mysterious z-01 is amd's response to atom. in the following video we will watch how badly amd KNOCKS THE PANTS off intel's BEST atom.
benched on battlefield heroes and serious sam HD: TFE
battlefield heroes: intel runs at way below sub 30 fps an ungiven but the exact same setting as the z-01 which is running it at a good 30+
serious sam HD: TFE the z-01 again runs it jsut fine.. atom it crashes trying to start the game.. so instead they let it play solitaire in the corner. relatively cheap to produce in comparison to its llano laptop or desktop sister the z-01 once it hits the market stands to not even be on the same PLANET as intel's atom.
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