What free mmofps games will run on my pc, my specs are found here: http://www.pcworldbusiness.co.uk/catalogue/item/NECPC904 Popularity doesn't matter and it would be nice to hear games i haven't heard of. And i would love any where you can aim down sights. Thanks
free to play massive fanbase from the previous quake games runs in your browser so doesn't require a powerful pc can play it anywhere on any pc tons of fun and doesn't get old
A few others that might interest you are Battlefield Heroes and Battlefield Play4Free. However, I do not know if these games (Quake Live included) can be classed as "massively multiplayer". I do not believe there is a persistent world element to any of these games.
The only true MMOFPS games that come to mind for me are Planetside, Darkfall Online, and maybe World War 2 Online. There was another named Huxley in development, but I haven't heard anything about that game in years. It was probably scrapped.
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