I have no idea why they take so long,,,its not exaclty like they are doing anything revolutionary.
My theory is that they have no idea where to take the story. They've been making it up as they go along. They don't know how to end it without making it stupid. So now they are stalling.I doubt it. While it sort of does make sense that they've been making some of it up as they go, they definitely aren't stalling because they don't know how to end it.
Valve constantly push their own barriers on their own engine. Just look at the difference, graphics style, between L4D and TF2; from screen-shots you probably wouldn't even think they're on the same engine. The Source engine is a bit old now, so I guess they're trying their best to make Episode Three look as good as it possibly can and play better than any of the others.
With sequels to most games, that run on the same engine, the company tends to think: "Well, it's more of the same with slight enhancements so people will buy it." That's sort of what Episode Two was, but I think Valve didn't like that. They must've seen that their engine was getting a bit old and that while the reviews were okay, they weren't the same as Half-life 2, because it didn't do anything revolutionary. So they must've decided that they want to make it as big as Half-life 2 was. I really don't think it'll be just another sequel, I really think it'll be the best Half-life yet.
That's the thing about Valve, they constantly push and push and make everything they do the best thing they've ever done. After reading the book "Raising the Bar", that tends to be Valve's philosophy, or from how I read it, it seemed so. I reckon it'll be a finale more than worthy of the title "Half-life".
I hope so, anyway.
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