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Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory deserves a mention again.
F.E.A.R Combat
America's Army
and a crapload of korean MMORPG's.
Freespace 2, the best space sim of all time.. Not only did it get a 9.5, but its inducted in the gamespots hall of fame... holds the un modded version.. links to the heavily modded ones.. The huge download one is a bit torrent thats safe and holds multiple different campaigns, improved grpahics, cut scenes the entire original game.
The modded version is amazing with better and sharper graphics including the latest resolutions supported.. Tons of new mods and campaigns.. The game is one of my all time favorite (if not my all time favorite) games to have been released.
Also if you want you should click my link in my sig.. Its a youtube video of the modded Freespace 2.
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