When The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition was originally announced I was only mildly excited.
Now, after having looked at the screenshots almost daily since the announcement, I am very, very excited. I'm only now beginning to appreciate what LucasArts has managed to do here. They've done an amazing job of updating the graphics, and yet somehow completely retaining the look and feel of the original game. These new graphics - and they are new graphics... the artists at LucasArts apperently had to re-do everything - remind me of a Tintin graphic novel by Herge. The whole game has a very children's story look to it.
I don't know if the younger generations realize this or not, but Monkey Island was the first 256 color VGA game released, meaning of course that you needed to have a VGA monitor in order to run it. Back then there were no video cards. What mattered was your monitor. I bought the first VGA monitor in my city - a Zenith ZCM VGA monitor, which cost me $1000 - and I proudly ran Monkey Island on it. Monkey Island was the Crysis of its day. Not only that, but it was the only title of note that was released that entire spring.
I see that Steam will be selling this title on Tuesday evening. It's a minute one purchase for me then. Can't wait to start this title. It'll be wonderful to have a long, haggling conversation with Stan again. :)
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