Maybe to take a greater advantage of the situation? I would.
you don't understand how businesses work....if nvidia can milk something to make as much money as possible from it they will. There is no winning or losing in business, just $$ dollar bills.
Normally I would agree with that. However, whether it's car performance or GPU peformance, companies pride themselves on having "the fastest" or "the most powerful" on the market. It's a prestige thing. That's why you see AMD and Nvidia come out with super high-end dual-gpu cards that are really expensive to make, and sometimes don't make them much money. Car companies come out with "halo cars" that they lose money on every time they sell one, but it raises their company prestige to have them on the streets. A side effect of Nvidia releasing GK110 within this generation would be that their entire lineup with gain prestige from it.. not to mention the GTX 680 being pushed down into the midrange to slaughter the HD7800's and 7950. I'm not saying that they will do this for sure, but it would make a lot of sense if they want to put their foot on AMD's neck.
nvidia wouldnt be able to drop the price of the 680gtx that much, id say it would be possible to drop to $400, but below that would be difficult. Im guessing the radeon 7870 could drop to $300 if necessary. Also nvidia is getting demolished with its craptastic results with tegra....the fish are just alot bigger in the ARM market than AMD is, and they won't be able to do nearly as well., so i doubt nvidia will want "prestige", as much $$ profit $$ to act as a buffer in case they need it. Not to mention intel is also coming up with its ivy bridge processors and hd4000 series of graphics cards...which believe it or not are at the level of the 5670 gaming wise. Id say samsung and apple already have their foots on nvidias neck, and if you count intel coming up as well, things don't look great for either nvidia or AMD.
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