I wanna buy a FPS and There are lots of option and I don't have time to read all reviews ... do any one can suggest sth with strong campaign and story and fine gameplay (I don't care about multiplayer) ...?
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Nicely put, also a lot of today's gamers are to spoiled with easy games. many hate STALKER just for the fact it is challenging.millerlight89Personally what i dislike is that sometimes it feels unbalanced, i mean in clear sky i had to shoot some enemies way too many times and they can kill me pretty fast!!! Why cant i see my health bar going down slowly, eg like bioshock....ehh not THAT slowly, but i bet you know what i meant;) Or why not making the weapons powerfull like arma 2 or rainbow six vegas or cod4, a burst or two and the enemy is dead no need for headshots!!! Ofcourse i am not saying that they should take 2-3 shots only, but just like i said it will be nice if there is some reasonable balance between how much damage you cause and how much damage enemies cause!!! For example in clear sky everytime you take damage your character bleeds....thats not what i call "fine gameplay" infact i would prefer if the gameplay was more polished and balanced and i dont have to heal my character all the time!! Neither use so many bullets!! So as you see its not the fact its challenging because i like that, its the fact it can get kinda tiresome sometimes and difficulity in situations you are may vary or turn kinda random!!!
[QUOTE="millerlight89"]Nicely put, also a lot of today's gamers are to spoiled with easy games. many hate STALKER just for the fact it is challenging.dakan45Personally what i dislike is that sometimes it feels unbalanced, i mean in clear sky i had to shoot some enemies way too many times and they can kill me pretty fast!!! Why cant i see my health bar going down slowly, eg like bioshock....ehh not THAT slowly, but i bet you know what i meant;) Or why not making the weapons powerfull like arma 2 or rainbow six vegas or cod4, a burst or two and the enemy is dead no need for headshots!!! Ofcourse i am not saying that they should take 2-3 shots only, but just like i said it will be nice if there is some reasonable balance between how much damage you cause and how much damage enemies cause!!! For example in clear sky everytime you take damage your character bleeds....thats not what i call "fine gameplay" infact i would prefer if the gameplay was more polished and balanced and i dont have to heal my character all the time!! Neither use so many bullets!! So as you see its not the fact its challenging because i like that, its the fact it can get kinda tiresome sometimes and difficulity in situations you are may vary or turn kinda random!!! Well I like the part of the bleeding as that is realistic, but I agree it does fell unbalanced at times.
Get The first Rainbow Six:Vegas, it is better than the second.millerlight89Lol, its funny because this is where i am making a point on why i liked the second better;P, The first had better compaign but the combat was harder, sometimes i got up from cover and all i could see was a red screen, sure it made the game more challenging but also annoying. So i would say i prefered the second because it felt more like "cod4" I would say the first one was better if you wanna be challenged and play the game more with tactics than shooting!!! Just trying to say to the TC that i liked the second alot but i had my own share of issues with the first one, so if we liked it for the same reason, because its similar to cod4 in gameplay, then i wouldnt say that the tc would like the game as much as he liked vegas 2!!!
[QUOTE="millerlight89"]Get The first Rainbow Six:Vegas, it is better than the second.dakan45I would say the first one was better if you wanna be challenged and play the game more with tactics than shooting!!! Challenge makes the game last longer and not as easy to complete it.
Well I like the part of the bleeding as that is realistic, but I agree it does fell unbalanced at times.millerlight89Well depends, having a great armor and someones shooting you from long range with a pistol wont make you bleed ;) It kinda kills the point of having a tougher armor against a enemy that uses a weapon with small bullets!!! Also if you fall from a small height, you also bleed...and what kinda medkit does not contain bandages :( Thats what i mean it gets annoying to use bandages everytime you get hit, especially if in reallity you would have avoided taking damage since the enemy would have die before he manages to shoot you since you unloaded 13 trounds his torso!! But i downloaded a mod called g-mod and it made gunplay much more lethal !!! I reccomend it!!
[QUOTE="dakan45"][QUOTE="millerlight89"]Get The first Rainbow Six:Vegas, it is better than the second.millerlight89I would say the first one was better if you wanna be challenged and play the game more with tactics than shooting!!! Challenge makes the game last longer and not as easy to complete it. Well thats one perspective but i was frustrated, i liked replaying levels of the second with diffirent weapons and i liked playing terrorist hunt on the first, when you are alone its pretty challenging since the ai will move and change positions in terrorist hunt!! Personally There where times that i have gonne back to a game and replayed because i like the combat or the gameplay alot, like cod4 or rainbowsix vegas 2. But there where also times that i replayed a game which i did not like as much, many times because of the challenge, like Resident evil 4. But when completed for the first time i loved it, but i couldnt get myself to replay it. It felt so easy and simple like it had no replay value!! So i agree with what you say, perhaps challenge is a good thing!! Since he played vegas 2 i reccomed him to play the first now!!
Vegas 2, Fallout 3, and Borderlands are good as well. Vegas 2, Fallout 3, and COD4 are my favorite games this gen...superclocked
Do you need a game that comes from this gen? because i can reccomend Vietcong, its kinda old but it has somewhat similar and simple shooting gameplay like cod4 and vegas 2!!
Also medal of honor pacific assault has fine gameplay (no bugs or annoying combat) and also has a very good story!!!
Or you can go for something diffirent like medal of honor airborne that the gameplay and combat are not as polished as pacific assault and cod4 neither it has a good story but it has diffirent nonlinear gameplay, you land wherever you want in every mission and you can decide which objective to complete first and when you use the weapons you upgrade them over time, plus there are diffirent enemy types!!
Vegas 2 has a good story!!!
It can be played in co-op aswell!!!
There are other games too!!!
Zeno Clash is first person but you just fight with fists!!!
There are guns in it though!!!
You mostly fight with fists though!!!
But seriously now. Vegas 2 is great if you want some co-op aswell as the decent story. Zeno Clash has an AMAZING story, and great gameplay, but only some sequences use guns whereas a lot of the game is street brawling with fists and feet. I'd seriously reccomend Zeno Clash just to take in the amazing surreal world and the really interesting story.
HUH, what is that about?Vegas 2 has a good story!!!
It can be played in co-op aswell!!!
There are other games too!!!
Zeno Clash is first person but you just fight with fists!!!
There are guns in it though!!!
You mostly fight with fists though!!!
Vegas 1 had better story, zeno clash is mostly fist fights, sure they are guns but it sucks its like using a bb gun in a fistfight!! Guns are weak and the combat always plays in arenas, there is no exploration, therefore you want fight other enemies using guns like a fps, you will be forced to fight with your fists!!!dakan45
That's what I said. The guns are very key though I mean there are sequences that REQUIRE you to use guns, I think there are 4 of those out of the 12 chapters. On top of that, 2 of the bosses REQUIRE you to use guns. The guns aren't weak either, I found them to be very strong, especially the explosive crossbow and the pistols.
Vegas 1 may have had a better story, but vegas 2 has more of everything, nicer graphics, the campaign is designed better and the game is just far better overall.
Crysis Max edition
Orange box
Medal of Honor
Call of Jueraz
Gears of war
Brother in Arms HH
I've played fallout 3 and all its DLCs ... I liked it but I donno any other game like this ...only Stalker clear sky that is full of bugs ( I hate bugs) ...
whats modern warfare 2 like ? I played the last version and I liked it but it was too short to beat ... is it same in MW 2 ?
[QUOTE="dakan45"][QUOTE="millerlight89"]Nicely put, also a lot of today's gamers are to spoiled with easy games. many hate STALKER just for the fact it is challenging.millerlight89Personally what i dislike is that sometimes it feels unbalanced, i mean in clear sky i had to shoot some enemies way too many times and they can kill me pretty fast!!! Why cant i see my health bar going down slowly, eg like bioshock....ehh not THAT slowly, but i bet you know what i meant;) Or why not making the weapons powerfull like arma 2 or rainbow six vegas or cod4, a burst or two and the enemy is dead no need for headshots!!! Ofcourse i am not saying that they should take 2-3 shots only, but just like i said it will be nice if there is some reasonable balance between how much damage you cause and how much damage enemies cause!!! For example in clear sky everytime you take damage your character bleeds....thats not what i call "fine gameplay" infact i would prefer if the gameplay was more polished and balanced and i dont have to heal my character all the time!! Neither use so many bullets!! So as you see its not the fact its challenging because i like that, its the fact it can get kinda tiresome sometimes and difficulity in situations you are may vary or turn kinda random!!! Well I like the part of the bleeding as that is realistic, but I agree it does fell unbalanced at times. Not to mention Stalker is not meant to be a traditional FPS. It is meant to be challenging. The game has its on Ecosystem for crying out loud. They labeled it as a Survival Horror for a reason. Its realistic depiction of the environment and player interaction really makes you have to do some micro managing of ammo, food, bandages, ect. It isn't the game that is at fault. It is just his tastes.
Last FPS I enjoyed the single player of was Killzone2 and Uncharted 2on PS3. Amazingly fun, definitly buy if your a PS3 fan. Otherwise FPS single player on PC boils down to FPS horror (Resident Evil 5) or FPS survival (bioshock, stalker). If you want any multiplayer experience at all nothing can beat team fortress 2.
No love for resistance 2?Last FPS I enjoyed the single player of was Killzone2 and Uncharted 2on PS3. Amazingly fun, definitly buy if your a PS3 fan. Otherwise FPS single player on PC boils down to FPS horror (Resident Evil 5) or FPS survival (bioshock, stalker). If you want any multiplayer experience at all nothing can beat team fortress 2.
Deus Ex, merely the best game ever made.
isn't it a bit old ....?
I played Oblivion by the way... and I rather buy a modern first person shooter .
what about ِOpreration Flash point DR ...?
Deus Ex is impervious to time.[QUOTE="millerlight89"][QUOTE="dakan45"] Personally what i dislike is that sometimes it feels unbalanced, i mean in clear sky i had to shoot some enemies way too many times and they can kill me pretty fast!!! Why cant i see my health bar going down slowly, eg like bioshock....ehh not THAT slowly, but i bet you know what i meant;) Or why not making the weapons powerfull like arma 2 or rainbow six vegas or cod4, a burst or two and the enemy is dead no need for headshots!!! Ofcourse i am not saying that they should take 2-3 shots only, but just like i said it will be nice if there is some reasonable balance between how much damage you cause and how much damage enemies cause!!! For example in clear sky everytime you take damage your character bleeds....thats not what i call "fine gameplay" infact i would prefer if the gameplay was more polished and balanced and i dont have to heal my character all the time!! Neither use so many bullets!! So as you see its not the fact its challenging because i like that, its the fact it can get kinda tiresome sometimes and difficulity in situations you are may vary or turn kinda random!!!gamer620Well I like the part of the bleeding as that is realistic, but I agree it does fell unbalanced at times. Not to mention Stalker is not meant to be a traditional FPS. It is meant to be challenging. The game has its on Ecosystem for crying out loud. They labeled it as a Survival Horror for a reason. Its realistic depiction of the environment and player interaction really makes you have to do some micro managing of ammo, food, bandages, ect. It isn't the game that is at fault. It is just his tastes.
stalker isn't that hard ... it's much of a challenge but can be beaten in a week or two if the bugs let u ....!
and the managing of ammo and bandages is for first 5 hours . after that u have plenty of them that u don't need to worry and if not u'll have lot of money to buy them ... so stalker is just hard at start .
pls some one answer my question about Clear Sky : do the patches really make the bugs OK ...?
Stay away from Dragon Rising, it shouldn't even be labeled as an Operation Flashpoint game. You're better off with ArmA 2.what about Opreration Flash point DR ...?
If you want a realistic military game that goes beyond shooter, look no further than ArmA 2. Its much better than OFP2 (ArmA 2 is the spiritual successor to OFP - same developers), and the latest 1.05 patch not only improves optimization, bugs etc., but adds an Apache gunship and new mini campaign, which is surprisingly good. This isn't even scratching the surface of the open world singleplayer campaign, huge amount of content and mission making /editing available, as well as the dedicated multiplayer community. There is also the ACE mod, which enhances the game a great deal, as well as plenty of other modifications, adding more content or modifying the games quirks as you see fit. However its a love it or hate it game. Its one of the most unforgiving games out of recent.what about ِOpreration Flash point DR ...?
Deus Ex, merely the best game ever made.
isn't it a bit old ....?
I played Oblivion by the way... and I rather buy a modern first person shooter .
what about ِOpreration Flash point DR ...?
Yeah it is, it's your choice man, you want to stick to new games? That's alright, but you re missing the best imo.
Listen to me
ok heres my list
FPS! Unreal Tournament 2004, Half Life Source, HL1 Opposing Force, Half Life 2 &episodes, Painkiller Black/Gold Edition, Far Cry 1, Halo 1 & 2, Seriosu Sam HD, Quake 3/LIVE (free), Crysis & Crysis Warhead, Mirrors Edge, L4D 1 & 2, Star Wars Jedi Outcast, Team Fortress 1 & 2, CSS, Day of Defeat Source, Killing Floor, .. Portal is eh if u like puzzle games, but just buy the Orange Box.
[QUOTE="Murd3r3r"]Stay away from Dragon Rising, it shouldn't even be labeled as an Operation Flashpoint game. You're better off with ArmA 2. Its not just that, its also the fact that it does not play like eg stalker or operation flashpoint or any other reallistic pc fps, more like a console fps!! It even takes 4-5 bullets to kill someone, sometimes..... but you die instantly and guite randomly!! The compaign is very short and storyless, there is not even an intro or some story in it, also very linear!! You cant even select a squad or their weapons before the mission!! The quick mission menu is empty with only the compaign missions plus no ones is making maps!! So you be far better with arma2, only good think about OPF2 is that its pretty polished and you wont experiance any glitches!!!what about Opreration Flash point DR ...?
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