I have a i7 clocked at 3.4 and a single 5870 on air. I play on a 2560x1600 monitor. I wanna play crysis at Very High with a good FPS.
Obviously I am going to need another 5870 for crossfire to run crysis at such a high resolution which I plan to get in the next couple weeks, but what else can I do? TomsHardware says I should get in the low 30's FPS with 5870 xfire, however I was kinda hoping to get a little more than that. What if I over clock? I learned how to overclock the i7, but dont really know how to OC a gfx card. Anybody have any good guides on how to OC a 5870? A 5870 xfire? What kinda FPS boost could I expect with a decent OC?
What about mods? I hear there are some mods that can imrpove the visuals and at the same time improve FPS for crysis.
Any other ideas how I may be able to improve the FPS for crysis? Thanks :D
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